The Motley Dance Club is a free, open, non-profit social club with no membership requirements. Singles, couples, beginners, and experienced of all ages are welcome.
The Motley Barn Dance is held in Granville. See Barn Dance for more details.
Barn Dance lessons are held at the Licking County Community Center, located at the Bryn Du Mansion Field House, 537 Jones Rd. Granville Ohio 43023 The lessons are every Wednesday from 1:00 til 2:00 pm. For ages 60 and up. Come and join us for a fun, social and healthy activity.
The Licking County Community Center (LCCC) is hosting these lessons and for more information about this and their other activities, please click this link
If you have any questions or comments, please call Everett McKee at 740 366 5683 or send an email message using the CONTACT FORM.